अकेले फिट होने की अच्छाई का अच्छा पैमाना नहीं है, लेकिन आइए हम इस बात पर ध्यान न दें कि सिवाय इसके किमॉडलिंग मेंपारसीमोनीको महत्व दिया जाए।R2
इस दिशा में ध्यान दें कि के मानक तकनीक खोजपूर्ण डेटा विश्लेषण (ईडीए) और प्रतिगमन (लेकिन नहीं चरणबद्ध या अन्य स्वचालित प्रक्रिया) के रूप में एक रेखीय मॉडल उपयोग करने का सुझाव
with a root MSE of under 34 and an adjusted R2 of 0.9999. The estimated coefficients of 1.0112 and 0.988 suggest the data may be artificially generated with the formula
plus a little normally distributed error of SD approximately equal to 50.
In response to @knorv's hints, I continued the analysis. To do so I used the techniques that had been successful so far, beginning with inspecting scatterplot matrices of the residuals against the original variables. Sure enough, there was a clear indication of correlation between a and the residuals (even though OLS regression of f against a, a2, and b∗c did not indicate a was "significant"). Continuing in this vein I explored all correlations between the quadratic terms a2,…,e2,a∗b,a∗c,…,d∗e and the new residuals and found a tiny but highly significant relationship with b2. "Highly significant" means that all this snooping involved looking at some 20 different variables, so my criterion for significance on this fishing expedition was approximately 0.05/20 = 0.0025: anything less stringent could easily be an artifact of the probing for fits.
This has something of the flavor of a physical model in that we expect, and therefore search for, relationships with "interesting" and "simple" coefficients. So, for instance, seeing that the estimated coefficient of b2 was -0.0092 (between -0.005 and -0.013 with 95% confidence), I elected to use -1/100 for it. If this were some other dataset, such as observations of a social or political system, I would make no such changes but just use the OLS estimates as-is.
Anyway, an improved fit is given by
with mean residual 0, standard deviation 26.8, all residuals between -50 and +43, and no evidence of non-normality (although with such a small dataset the errors could even be uniformly distributed and one couldn't really tell the difference). The reduction in residual standard deviation from around 50 to around 25 would often be expressed as "explaining 75% of the residual variance."
I make no claim that this is the formula used to generate the data. The residuals are large enough to allow some fairly large changes in a few of the coefficients. For instance, 95% CIs for the coefficients of a, b2, and the constant are [-0.4, 2.7], [-0.013, -0.003], and [-7, 61] respectively. The point is that if any random error has actually been introduced in the data-generation procedure (and that is true of all real-world data), that would preclude definitive identification of the coefficients (and even of all the variables that might be involved). That's not a limitation of statistical methods: it's just a mathematical fact.
BTW, using robust regression I can fit the model
with residual SD of 27.4 and all residuals between -51 and +47: essentially as good as the previous fit but with one less variable. It is more parsimonious in that sense, but less parsimonious in the sense that I haven't rounded the coefficients to "nice" values. Nevertheless, this is the form I would usually favor in a regression analysis absent any rigorous theories about what kinds of values the coefficients ought to have and which variables ought to be included.
It is likely that additional strong relationships are lurking here, but they would have to be fairly complicated. Incidentally, taking data whose original SD is 3410 and reducing their variation to residuals with an SD of 27 is a 99.99384% reduction in variance (the R2 of this new fit). One would continue looking for additional effects only if the residual SD is too large for the intended purpose. In the absence of any purpose besides second-guessing the OP, it's time to stop.
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