Ignore the other answers here. This actually is not a paradox at all. The actual issue at hand here which everyone seems to be ignoring is that you are mistaking which probability you are actually looking at. There are in fact two completely different averages and statistics at play here which both have there own uses and interpretations in your proposed example (marketing)!
First off there is the average number of products bought per customer. So on average, one customer buys 1.6 items. Of course, a customer cannot but 0.6 of the product (assuming it isn't something like rice or grain that has a continuous measurement associated with it).
Secondly, there is the average number of customers that buy a particular product. Sounds weird right? So on average a product has 5.33333333... customers buying it. This is different however. What we're describing here is not the number of products bought (there's only three of them!) but rather the number of people actually purchasing said product.
Think of the two values this way: What would these two values represent if there was only one customer or only one product? After all, the average of a single data point is just that given data point.
Or better yet, think of the chart as if it were giving you dollar amounts spent to buy the product. Obviously the average amount spent by an individual customer will be far less than the amount of money made on average by a product supplied by a major corporation (or even just a small business). I'm sure you can think of good ways to use both values when discussing the well-being of the company.
When you go to explain this to the marketing staff, explain it to them just like I have said. It isn't a paradox. It's just a completely different statistic. The only issue here was noticing that there was in fact, two different ways to read the chart (i.e. number of people buying per product vs. number of products bought per person).
tl; पहली बात जो आपने बताई वह है औसत राशि जो एक ग्राहक आपके उत्पादों को खरीदने के लिए खर्च करने को तैयार है। दूसरा जनता द्वारा दिए गए उत्पाद की औसत मांग है। मुझे यकीन है कि अब आप देख सकते हैं कि दोनों सबसे निश्चित रूप से एक ही चीज क्यों नहीं हैं। उनकी तुलना इस तरह से करने से आपको सिर्फ कचरा की जानकारी मिलेगी।
संपादित करें
ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि प्रश्न वास्तव में ग्राहकों द्वारा खर्च किए गए औसत धन के बारे में पूछ रहा है जो कुछ उत्पाद ए, बी या सी खरीदते हैं। ठीक है। यह वास्तव में गणना में केवल एक त्रुटि है। मैं इसे विरोधाभास नहीं कहूंगा। यह वास्तव में सिर्फ एक सूक्ष्म परत है।
Look at your columns. There are people that are shared between columns. Let's assume you did a proper weighted average. You are still adding up people twice. This means that the average will contain extra people with a value greater than or equal to 2. Now what was your average? It was 1.6! In essence your average looks like this:
That is definitely not the right formula. It is a weighted average though assuming mutual exclusiveness that is how you would adjust to get a true average in your situation.
Either way you'll get a messed up average. One mistake was ignoring the need for a weighted average as one category has a greater "weight" in terms of the average. It's like density. One value is denser in people represents. The other issue is duplicate adding which will distort the average. I don't call either of these "paradoxes" though. Once I saw what you were doing it seemed obvious to me why that wouldn't work. The weighted average is somewhat self-explanatory for its need and I think now that you see that you added values multiple times... that cannot work. You basically took the average of the squares of their values.