अपने घर में बनी पीपीएम ड्राइंग लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करके इसे बनाने का प्रयास किया । यह तकनीकी रूप से स्केलेबल है, लेकिन मैं अपने पुनरावर्ती भरण फ़ंक्शन द्वारा सीमित हूं क्योंकि यह अविश्वसनीय है और segfault को पसंद करता है, मुझे लगता है कि यह बहुत अधिक मेमोरी का उपयोग कर रहा है, इसलिए मैं वास्तव में उपयोगकर्ता को स्केल सेट नहीं करने दूंगा। छवि अनियमित है क्योंकि बार के प्रत्येक कोने के लिए मेरे द्वारा दर्ज किए गए निर्देशांक थोड़े बंद हैं।
![यहाँ छवि विवरण दर्ज करें](https://i.stack.imgur.com/yLF83.png)
मैंने इसे एक काले रंग की पृष्ठभूमि के साथ शुरू करने के लिए सेट किया, फिर बीच में एक सफेद सर्कल, फिर लाल और नीले रंग के सर्कल लगाए। इस्तेमाल किया पुनरावर्ती लाल और नीले रंग के बाकी हिस्सों को जोड़ने के लिए। फिर काली पट्टियों को चिह्नित करने के लिए सफेद रेखाओं के साथ आयतों को आकर्षित किया। काली पृष्ठभूमि को सफेद रेखाओं के साथ 4 खंडों में विभाजित करें और प्रत्येक अनुभाग को सफेद बनाने के लिए 4 पुनरावर्ती फिल का उपयोग करें। 1 पास में करने से सेगफॉल्ट होता। यह अभी भी प्रस्तुत करना बहुत धीमा है।
Ungolfed मुख्य कोड (बाकी लाइब्रेरी बहुत बड़ी है, इस पर गोल्फ करना मायने नहीं रखता है)
#include "PPMDraw.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << "Drawing Korean Flag" << std::endl;
int scale = 150;
int width = 3 * scale;
int height = 2 * scale;
int xc = width/2;
int yc = height/2;
// coords for the bar corners
float nwax = -0.773; float nway = -0.813;
float nwbx = -0.707; float nwby = -0.773;
float nwcx = -1.000; float nwcy = -0.360;
float nwdx = -1.050; float nwdy = -0.400;
float nwex = -0.667; float nwey = -0.747;
float nwfx = -0.613; float nwfy = -0.693;
float nwgx = -0.880; float nwgy = -0.293;
float nwhx = -0.947; float nwhy = -0.333;
float nwix = -0.560; float nwiy = -0.667;
float nwjx = -0.507; float nwjy = -0.627;
float nwkx = -0.773; float nwky = -0.227;
float nwlx = -0.840; float nwly = -0.267;
float neax = 0.747; float neay = -0.813;
float nebx = 0.867; float neby = -0.627;
float necx = 0.813; float necy = -0.587;
float nedx = 0.680; float nedy = -0.773;
float neex = 0.893; float neey = -0.587;
float nefx = 1.030; float nefy = -0.400;
float negx = 0.960; float negy = -0.360;
float nehx = 0.840; float nehy = -0.547;
float neix = 0.640; float neiy = -0.747;
float nejx = 0.920; float nejy = -0.333;
float nekx = 0.853; float neky = -0.293;
float nelx = 0.587; float nely = -0.693;
float nemx = 0.533; float nemy = -0.667;
float nenx = 0.667; float neny = -0.493;
float neox = 0.600; float neoy = -0.440;
float nepx = 0.480; float nepy = -0.627;
float neqx = 0.693; float neqy = -0.440;
float nerx = 0.813; float nery = -0.267;
float nesx = 0.747; float nesy = -0.227;
float netx = 0.627; float nety = -0.400;
float swax = -0.773; float sway = 0.200;
float swbx = -0.507; float swby = 0.613;
float swcx = -0.560; float swcy = 0.653;
float swdx = -0.840; float swdy = 0.253;
float swex = -0.880; float swey = 0.280;
float swfx = -0.760; float swfy = 0.453;
float swgx = -0.813; float swgy = 0.493;
float swhx = -0.947; float swhy = 0.320;
float swix = -0.733; float swiy = 0.507;
float swjx = -0.613; float swjy = 0.680;
float swkx = -0.667; float swky = 0.720;
float swlx = -0.787; float swly = 0.547;
float swmx = -0.987; float swmy = 0.347;
float swnx = -0.707; float swny = 0.760;
float swox = -0.773; float swoy = 0.800;
float swpx = -1.053; float swpy = 0.387;
float seax = 0.747; float seay = 0.200;
float sebx = 0.813; float seby = 0.253;
float secx = 0.693; float secy = 0.427;
float sedx = 0.627; float sedy = 0.387;
float seex = 0.853; float seey = 0.280;
float sefx = 0.920; float sefy = 0.320;
float segx = 0.800; float segy = 0.507;
float sehx = 0.733; float sehy = 0.453;
float seix = 0.960; float seiy = 0.347;
float sejx = 1.036; float sejy = 0.387;
float sekx = 0.893; float seky = 0.573;
float selx = 0.840; float sely = 0.520;
float semx = 0.600; float semy = 0.427;
float senx = 0.667; float seny = 0.467;
float seox = 0.547; float seoy = 0.653;
float sepx = 0.480; float sepy = 0.613;
float seqx = 0.707; float seqy = 0.493;
float serx = 0.773; float sery = 0.547;
float sesx = 0.640; float sesy = 0.733;
float setx = 0.547; float sety = 0.680;
float seux = 0.813; float seuy = 0.573;
float sevx = 0.880; float sevy = 0.613;
float sewx = 0.747; float sewy = 0.800;
float sexx = 0.693; float sexy = 0.747;
PPMDraw flag = PPMDraw(width, height);
flag.fill(0, 0, 0);
// draw white circle in middle
flag.set_color(255, 255, 255);
flag.draw_fill_circle(xc, yc, scale/2);
// draw red and blue portions of circle
flag.set_color(255, 0, 0);
flag.draw_fill_circle(xc - .21*scale, yc - .14*scale, scale/3.9);
flag.set_color(0, 0, 255);
flag.draw_fill_circle(xc + .21*scale, yc + .14*scale, scale/3.9);
flag.set_color(255, 0, 0);
flag.recursive_fill(xc + .21*scale, yc - .21*scale);
flag.set_color(0, 0, 255);
flag.recursive_fill(xc - .21*scale, yc + .21*scale);
// draw the northwest bars
flag.set_color(255, 255, 255);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwax*scale, yc + nway*scale, xc + nwbx*scale, yc + nwby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwax*scale, yc + nway*scale, xc + nwdx*scale, yc + nwdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwbx*scale, yc + nwby*scale, xc + nwcx*scale, yc + nwcy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwcx*scale, yc + nwcy*scale, xc + nwdx*scale, yc + nwdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwex*scale, yc + nwey*scale, xc + nwfx*scale, yc + nwfy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwex*scale, yc + nwey*scale, xc + nwhx*scale, yc + nwhy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwfx*scale, yc + nwfy*scale, xc + nwgx*scale, yc + nwgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwhx*scale, yc + nwhy*scale, xc + nwgx*scale, yc + nwgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwix*scale, yc + nwiy*scale, xc + nwjx*scale, yc + nwjy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwix*scale, yc + nwiy*scale, xc + nwlx*scale, yc + nwly*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwjx*scale, yc + nwjy*scale, xc + nwkx*scale, yc + nwky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwlx*scale, yc + nwly*scale, xc + nwkx*scale, yc + nwky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neax*scale, yc + neay*scale, xc + nebx*scale, yc + neby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neax*scale, yc + neay*scale, xc + nedx*scale, yc + nedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nebx*scale, yc + neby*scale, xc + necx*scale, yc + necy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + necx*scale, yc + necy*scale, xc + nedx*scale, yc + nedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neex*scale, yc + neey*scale, xc + nefx*scale, yc + nefy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neex*scale, yc + neey*scale, xc + nehx*scale, yc + nehy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nefx*scale, yc + nefy*scale, xc + negx*scale, yc + negy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nehx*scale, yc + nehy*scale, xc + negx*scale, yc + negy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neix*scale, yc + neiy*scale, xc + nejx*scale, yc + nejy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neix*scale, yc + neiy*scale, xc + nelx*scale, yc + nely*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nejx*scale, yc + nejy*scale, xc + nekx*scale, yc + neky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nelx*scale, yc + nely*scale, xc + nekx*scale, yc + neky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nemx*scale, yc + nemy*scale, xc + nenx*scale, yc + neny*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nemx*scale, yc + nemy*scale, xc + nepx*scale, yc + nepy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nepx*scale, yc + nepy*scale, xc + neox*scale, yc + neoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nenx*scale, yc + neny*scale, xc + neox*scale, yc + neoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neqx*scale, yc + neqy*scale, xc + nerx*scale, yc + nery*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neqx*scale, yc + neqy*scale, xc + netx*scale, yc + nety*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nerx*scale, yc + nery*scale, xc + nesx*scale, yc + nesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + netx*scale, yc + nety*scale, xc + nesx*scale, yc + nesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swax*scale, yc + sway*scale, xc + swbx*scale, yc + swby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swax*scale, yc + sway*scale, xc + swdx*scale, yc + swdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swbx*scale, yc + swby*scale, xc + swcx*scale, yc + swcy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swcx*scale, yc + swcy*scale, xc + swdx*scale, yc + swdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swex*scale, yc + swey*scale, xc + swfx*scale, yc + swfy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swex*scale, yc + swey*scale, xc + swhx*scale, yc + swhy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swfx*scale, yc + swfy*scale, xc + swgx*scale, yc + swgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swhx*scale, yc + swhy*scale, xc + swgx*scale, yc + swgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swix*scale, yc + swiy*scale, xc + swjx*scale, yc + swjy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swix*scale, yc + swiy*scale, xc + swlx*scale, yc + swly*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swjx*scale, yc + swjy*scale, xc + swkx*scale, yc + swky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swlx*scale, yc + swly*scale, xc + swkx*scale, yc + swky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swmx*scale, yc + swmy*scale, xc + swnx*scale, yc + swny*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swmx*scale, yc + swmy*scale, xc + swpx*scale, yc + swpy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swpx*scale, yc + swpy*scale, xc + swox*scale, yc + swoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swnx*scale, yc + swny*scale, xc + swox*scale, yc + swoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seax*scale, yc + seay*scale, xc + sebx*scale, yc + seby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seax*scale, yc + seay*scale, xc + sedx*scale, yc + sedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sebx*scale, yc + seby*scale, xc + secx*scale, yc + secy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + secx*scale, yc + secy*scale, xc + sedx*scale, yc + sedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seex*scale, yc + seey*scale, xc + sefx*scale, yc + sefy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seex*scale, yc + seey*scale, xc + sehx*scale, yc + sehy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sefx*scale, yc + sefy*scale, xc + segx*scale, yc + segy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sehx*scale, yc + sehy*scale, xc + segx*scale, yc + segy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seix*scale, yc + seiy*scale, xc + sejx*scale, yc + sejy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seix*scale, yc + seiy*scale, xc + selx*scale, yc + sely*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sejx*scale, yc + sejy*scale, xc + sekx*scale, yc + seky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + selx*scale, yc + sely*scale, xc + sekx*scale, yc + seky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + semx*scale, yc + semy*scale, xc + senx*scale, yc + seny*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + semx*scale, yc + semy*scale, xc + sepx*scale, yc + sepy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sepx*scale, yc + sepy*scale, xc + seox*scale, yc + seoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + senx*scale, yc + seny*scale, xc + seox*scale, yc + seoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seqx*scale, yc + seqy*scale, xc + serx*scale, yc + sery*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seqx*scale, yc + seqy*scale, xc + setx*scale, yc + sety*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + serx*scale, yc + sery*scale, xc + sesx*scale, yc + sesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + setx*scale, yc + sety*scale, xc + sesx*scale, yc + sesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seux*scale, yc + seuy*scale, xc + sevx*scale, yc + sevy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seux*scale, yc + seuy*scale, xc + sexx*scale, yc + sexy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sevx*scale, yc + sevy*scale, xc + sewx*scale, yc + sewy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sexx*scale, yc + sexy*scale, xc + sewx*scale, yc + sewy*scale);
// fill in the black to white
flag.draw_line(xc, yc - scale/2, xc, 0);
flag.draw_line(xc, yc + scale/2, xc, height);
flag.draw_line(xc - scale/2, yc, 0, yc);
flag.draw_line(xc + scale/2, yc, width, yc);
flag.recursive_fill(0, 0);
flag.recursive_fill(0, height-1);
flag.recursive_fill(width - 1, 0);
flag.recursive_fill(width - 1, height - 1);