मुझे यह पोस्ट करने में लगभग शर्म आ रही है, और यह निश्चित रूप से ए लॉट द्वारा एक अलग दृष्टिकोण के साथ गोल्फ हो सकता है, लेकिन चूंकि इसे पूरा करने में कुछ समय लगा, मैंने इसे वैसे भी पोस्ट करने का फैसला किया और इसे यहां से नीचे गोल्फ कर दिया। चुनौती आसान है क्योंकि यह इमो है, लेकिन मैं निश्चित रूप से यहां एक गलत दृष्टिकोण का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और मुझे लग रहा है कि 05AB1E लगभग 25 बाइट्स कर सकता है।
इसे ऑनलाइन आज़माएं। नोट: न केवल यह लंबा है, यह भी अक्षम है, क्योंकि 9x4
परीक्षण का मामला TIO पर लगभग 40 सेकंड में चलता है।
Ŝ # Get all possible ways to sum to the (first) implicit input
# i.e. 8 → [[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1,2],[1,1,1,1,1,3],[1,1,1,1,2,2],[1,1,1,1,4],[1,1,1,2,3],[1,1,1,5],[1,1,2,2,2],[1,1,2,4],[1,1,3,3],[1,1,6],[1,2,2,3],[1,2,5],[1,3,4],[1,7],[2,2,2,2],[2,2,4],[2,3,3],[2,6],[3,5],[4,4],[8]]
ʒ23yåP} # Only leave those consisting of 2s and/or 3s
# → [[2,2,2,2],[2,3,3]]
€œ # For each: get all permutations
€` # Flatten this list of lists once
Ù # And uniquify it (leaving all possible distinct rows of bricks)
# → [[2,2,2,2],[3,3,2],[3,2,3],[2,3,3]]
ε } # For each:
.¥ # Get the cumulative sum
¦¨ # With the leading 0 and trailing first input removed
# → [[2,4,6],[3,6],[3,5],[2,5]]
Iи # Repeat this list the second input amount of times
# i.e. 3 → [[2,4,6],[3,6],[3,5],[2,5],[2,4,6],[3,6],[3,5],[2,5],[2,4,6],[3,6],[3,5],[2,5]]
I.Æ # Get all combinations of lists the size of the second input
Ù # And uniquify the result (leaving all possible distinct walls)
# → [[[2,4,6],[3,6],[3,5]],[[2,4,6],[3,6],[2,5]],[[2,4,6],[3,6],[2,4,6]],[[2,4,6],[3,6],[3,6]],[[2,4,6],[3,5],[2,5]],[[2,4,6],[3,5],[2,4,6]],[[2,4,6],[3,5],[3,6]],[[2,4,6],[3,5],[3,5]],[[2,4,6],[2,5],[2,4,6]],[[2,4,6],[2,5],[3,6]],[[2,4,6],[2,5],[3,5]],[[2,4,6],[2,5],[2,5]],[[2,4,6],[2,4,6],[3,6]],[[2,4,6],[2,4,6],[3,5]],[[2,4,6],[2,4,6],[2,5]],[[2,4,6],[2,4,6],[2,4,6]],[[3,6],[3,5],[2,5]],[[3,6],[3,5],[2,4,6]],[[3,6],[3,5],[3,6]],[[3,6],[3,5],[3,5]],[[3,6],[2,5],[2,4,6]],[[3,6],[2,5],[3,6]],[[3,6],[2,5],[3,5]],[[3,6],[2,5],[2,5]],[[3,6],[2,4,6],[3,6]],[[3,6],[2,4,6],[3,5]],[[3,6],[2,4,6],[2,5]],[[3,6],[2,4,6],[2,4,6]],[[3,6],[3,6],[3,5]],[[3,6],[3,6],[2,5]],[[3,6],[3,6],[2,4,6]],[[3,6],[3,6],[3,6]],[[3,5],[2,5],[2,4,6]],[[3,5],[2,5],[3,6]],[[3,5],[2,5],[3,5]],[[3,5],[2,5],[2,5]],[[3,5],[2,4,6],[3,6]],[[3,5],[2,4,6],[3,5]],[[3,5],[2,4,6],[2,5]],[[3,5],[2,4,6],[2,4,6]],[[3,5],[3,6],[3,5]],[[3,5],[3,6],[2,5]],[[3,5],[3,6],[2,4,6]],[[3,5],[3,6],[3,6]],[[3,5],[3,5],[2,5]],[[3,5],[3,5],[2,4,6]],[[3,5],[3,5],[3,6]],[[3,5],[3,5],[3,5]],[[2,5],[2,4,6],[3,6]],[[2,5],[2,4,6],[3,5]],[[2,5],[2,4,6],[2,5]],[[2,5],[2,4,6],[2,4,6]],[[2,5],[3,6],[3,5]],[[2,5],[3,6],[2,5]],[[2,5],[3,6],[2,4,6]],[[2,5],[3,6],[3,6]],[[2,5],[3,5],[2,5]],[[2,5],[3,5],[2,4,6]],[[2,5],[3,5],[3,6]],[[2,5],[3,5],[3,5]],[[2,5],[2,5],[2,4,6]],[[2,5],[2,5],[3,6]],[[2,5],[2,5],[3,5]],[[2,5],[2,5],[2,5]]]
ε # Map all walls `y` to:
ø # Zip/transpose; swapping rows and columns
yí # Reverse each row in a wall `y`
ø # Also zip/transpose those; swapping rows and columns
‚ # Pair both
€ # For both:
€ # For each column:
ü # For each pair of bricks in a column:
Q # Check if they are equal to each other (1 if truthy; 0 if falsey)
O # Then take the sum of these checked pairs for each column
O # Take the sum of that entire column
_ # Then check which sums are exactly 0 (1 if 0; 0 if anything else)
P # And check for which walls this is only truthy by taking the product
}O # After the map: sum the resulting list
# (and output it implicitly as result)
या हैं3x1
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