मैंने हाल ही में एक पर्ल स्क्रिप्ट बनाई है जो वास्तव में ऐसा करती है। जब आप इस स्क्रिप्ट को लॉन्च करते हैं, तो यह खोज करता है कि क्या कोई और हाल की ज़िप फ़ाइल है, इसे कॉपी करता है, इसे निकालता है, एक कॉन्फ़िगर फ़ाइल को संशोधित करता है और EXE लॉन्च करता है। हो सकता है कि आप यह सब नहीं करना चाहते, लेकिन अगर आप इसे संशोधित / उपयोग करना चाहते हैं तो मैं इसे यहाँ पोस्ट करूँगा।
# get_latest_executable.pl v0.5
# Usage: perl get_latest_executable.pl test4|test6 [country] [language]
# YD @ 02/09/2011
# 05/09/2011 Multiple transparent compression options
# Fixed config file backup
# Removed useless debug code
# 12/09/2011 Added external configuration file
# Removed internal arrays with options, script argument is trusted now
# 15/09/2011 Added informing latest executable date
# More comments and intro
# 19/09/2011 Bug retreiving versions higher than 99 (fixed)
# Now checking latest executable is done on file creation time and no longer using version
# 27/09/2011 Fixed extra trailing \ on destination path
# 28/09/2011 Added commenting out all user.dll's updateUserConfiguration entry
# Now user.dll file is parsed until the end, and does not stop when first searched entry is found
use strict;
use File::stat;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use File::Copy;
use constant VERSION => "v0.5";
use constant TIMESTAMP_FORMAT => "%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%4d"; # Formato del informe de fecha
# Args
use constant MIN_ARGS => 0;
use constant MAX_ARGS => 2;
# Indexes
use constant IDX_TEST4 => 0;
use constant IDX_TEST6 => 1;
my $executable_branch;
# Paths
my $path_source;
# Where to copy the executable in local
my $path_destination;
# Where to search for latest executable
my $path_latest_executable;
# File names
# SGCV10 executable name
my $executable_name = 'gccom.exe';
# SGCV10 config file name
my $config_file = "user.dll";
# Script configuration file
my $config = "config.txt";
# Compressors
my @compressors = ('"C:\Archivos de programa\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y ', '"C:\Archivos de programa\WinZip\winzip32.exe" -e ');
# SGCV10 configuration
my $do_config_changes = "";
my $backup_prefix = '.bak';
my $country = "es";
my $country_option = '(^COUNTRY=)';
my $lang = "ES";
my $lang_option = '(^LANGUAGE=)';
my $update_option = '^updateUserConfiguration=';
# Script configuration
my $source = '^SOURCE=(.*)\n';
my $destination = '^DESTINATION=(.*)\n';
# Checks arguments received by the script
sub check_args()
print(STDERR "Numero de argumentos incorrecto\n");
print(STDERR "Uso: perl get_latest_executable.pl test4|test6 [country] [language]\n");
$executable_branch = $ARGV[0];
if ($#ARGV >= 1)
$do_config_changes = "1";
$country = $ARGV[1];
if ($#ARGV == 2)
$lang = uc($ARGV[2]);
# Returns true if file "a" is newer than file "b"
sub is_newer_version
my ($a_path, $b_path) = @_;
my $ret = "1";
if ($b_path ne "")
my $a_time = stat($a_path)->mtime;
my $b_time = stat($b_path)->mtime;
$ret = $a_time > $b_time;
return $ret;
# Receives executable directory
# Returns latest zip full path
sub get_latest_zip_full_path
my $path = shift;
my $ret;
if (-d $path)
opendir(DH, $path) or die ("No se pudo abrir el directorio: $path\n");
my @dir = readdir(DH);
my $newest = 0;
my $full_path = $path.$_;
if (-f $full_path && $_ =~ m/zip/i)
my $cur_file_time = stat($full_path)->mtime;
if($cur_file_time > $newest)
$newest = $cur_file_time;
$ret = $full_path;
return $ret;
# Returns true if local executable is OLDER than remote executable, false otherwise
# Creates local directory if not found, deletes older executable .ZIP and directory
sub check_local_delete
my ($local_dir, $local_latest, $remote_path) = @_;
my $ret = "";
# Local directory exists
if(-d $local_dir)
if (is_newer_version($remote_path, $local_latest))
print(STDERR "Borrando ejecutable obsoleto: $local_latest\n");
# Delete older local ZIP
# Delete old directory
$local_latest =~ s/\.zip//;
if (-d $local_latest)
$ret = "1";
# Local directory does not exist, create it and return remote newer
$ret = "1";
return $ret;
# Given a full path, returns filename only
sub get_filename_from_full_path
my $full_path = shift;
my $ret = reverse($full_path);
$ret =~ m/\\/;
$ret = $`;
$ret = reverse($ret);
return $ret;
# Modifies SGCv10 configuration
sub make_config_changes
my $path = shift;
my $config_path = $path.$config_file;
if (-f $config_path)
open(FD, '<'.$config_path);
my @config = <FD>;
# Backup original file (only if not backed up already!!!)
if (!(-f $config_path.$backup_prefix))
copy($config_path, $config_path.$backup_prefix);
# Modify it
my $i = 0;
while($i <= $#config)
if ($config[$i] =~ /$country_option/)
$config[$i] = $1.$country."\n";
if ($config[$i] =~ /$lang_option/)
$config[$i] = $1.$lang."\n";
if ($config[$i] =~ /$update_option/)
$config[$i] = "//" . $config[$i];
# Write it
open(FD, '>'.$config_path);
print(FD @config);
print(STDERR "WARNING: config file $config_path not found!\n");
# Selects best command to decompress with
sub get_best_compressor
my $ret;
my $i = 0;
my $found = "";
while($i <= $#compressors && !$found)
$compressors[$i] =~ m/\"(.*)\"/;
if (-f $1)
$ret = $compressors[$i];
$found = "1";
if (!$found)
$ret = -1;
return $ret;
# Reads and applies configuration file
sub read_config
open(FD, '<'.$config) or die "No se encontro el fichero de configuracion $config\n";
my @config = <FD>;
# Source
my @source_list = grep(/$source/, @config);
my $src = $source_list[0];
$src =~ /$source/;
$src = $1;
if (substr($src, -1, 1) ne "\\")
$src .= "\\";
$path_latest_executable = uc("$src$executable_branch\\");
# Destination
my @dest_list = grep(/$destination/, @config);
$path_destination = $dest_list[0];
$path_destination =~ /$destination/;
$path_destination = uc($1);
if (substr($path_destination, -1, 1) ne "\\")
$path_destination .= "\\";
# Formatea el tiempo
sub format_timestamp
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = @_;
return sprintf(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, $hour, $min, $mday, $mon+1, $year+1900);
# Basurilla
sub intro
print(STDERR "AutoEjecutable " . VERSION . " by Obi Perl Kenobi\n\n");
# Show intro
# Checking arguments
# Read configuration file
if (!(-d $path_latest_executable))
print(STDERR "No se ha encontrado el directorio origen $path_latest_executable\n");
# Getting latest executable
my $latest_zip_full_path = get_latest_zip_full_path($path_latest_executable);
# Getting time stamp
my $latest_zip_time = format_timestamp(localtime(stat($latest_zip_full_path)->mtime));
print(STDERR "Ultimo ejecutable disponible: $latest_zip_full_path -> $latest_zip_time\n");
# Checking if latest executable newer than local
$path_destination .= $executable_branch."\\";
if (check_local_delete($path_destination, get_latest_zip_full_path($path_destination), $latest_zip_full_path))
print(STDERR "El ejecutable remoto es mas reciente ($latest_zip_time), copiando... ");
# Copying executable to local
copy($latest_zip_full_path, $path_destination);
print(STDERR "No hay cambios!\n");
my $path_aux = $path_destination.get_filename_from_full_path($latest_zip_full_path);
my $local_exe_dir = $path_aux;
$local_exe_dir =~ s/\.zip//;
$local_exe_dir .= "\\";
if (-f $path_aux && !(-d $local_exe_dir))
# Choose extractor
my $extractor_command = get_best_compressor();
if ($extractor_command == -1)
print(STDERR "No se pudo encontrar ningun programa de descompresión. Por favor modifique las rutas en el script si no usa la instalación por defecto\n");
# Extract ZIP
print(STDERR "Extrayendo...\n");
$extractor_command .= '"' . $path_aux . '"';
if ($do_config_changes)
print(STDERR "Modificando configuracion para pais $country y lengua $lang...\n");
my $local_exe = '"' . $local_exe_dir.$executable_name . '"';
print(STDERR "Lanzando el ejecutable $local_exe de las $latest_zip_time\n");
Get_latest_zip_full_path () सबरूटीन वह करता है जो आप मांग रहे हैं।
यह एक बाहरी विन्यास फाइल का उपयोग करता है, इस प्रकार है:
यह आपकी समस्या के लिए "जैसा है" काम नहीं करेगा। अपनी इच्छानुसार संशोधित और उपयोग करने के लिए स्वतंत्र महसूस करें, साथ ही पूछें कि आप क्या चाहते हैं।