यह सिर्फ एक हैक है, लेकिन यह आपको
केवल 3 भोजन बंद कर देगा
आप मूल रूप से भोजन को फ्लॉप करते हैं यदि यह दो दिन औसत C # के करीब बनाता है
एक बेहतर तरीका यह होगा कि फ्लॉप पर एक बुलियन को लौटाया जाए और पूरा होने तक इसे पुन: व्यवस्थित किया जाए।
फ्लॉप हो सकता है होशियार। आप लंच और डिनर को फ्लॉप करने के लिए नाश्ता नहीं करने की स्थिति में हो सकते हैं। शायद हार्ड कोड क्रमपरिवर्तन हो। यह एक तरह की तरह है जहां सॉर्ट के बजाय फ्लॉप मान है।
public static void MealEven()
List<Day> Days = new List<Day>();
Random rnd = new Random();
decimal sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<7; i ++)
int b = rnd.Next(100) + 40;
int l = rnd.Next(100) + 60;
int d = rnd.Next(100) + 80;
Meal br = new Meal(enumMeal.b, b);
Meal lu = new Meal(enumMeal.l, l);
Meal di = new Meal(enumMeal.d, d);
Day day = new Day(br, lu, di);
sum += day.Calories;
decimal avg = sum / 7;
foreach (Day d in Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories))
Day low;
Day high;
Day lowLast = null;
Day highLast = null;
int count = 0;
while (true)
{ // first do high and low
low = Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories).FirstOrDefault();
high = Days.OrderByDescending(x => x.Calories).FirstOrDefault();
if (lowLast != null && lowLast == low && highLast == high)
if (count > 1000)
lowLast = low;
highLast = high;
Flop(ref high, ref low);
foreach (Day d in Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", d.Calories, d.B.Calories, d.L.Calories, d.D.Calories);
// day a one on one pass
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
if (i == j)
Day d1 = Days[i];
Day d2 = Days[j];
Flop(ref d1, ref d2);
foreach (Day d in Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", d.Calories, d.B.Calories, d.L.Calories, d.D.Calories);
public static void Flop (ref Day high, ref Day low)
if(low.Calories > high.Calories)
int hold = low.B.Calories;
low.B.Calories = high.B.Calories;
high.B.Calories = hold;
hold = low.L.Calories;
low.L.Calories = high.L.Calories;
high.L.Calories = hold;
hold = low.D.Calories;
low.D.Calories = high.D.Calories;
high.D.Calories = hold;
decimal avg = (low.Calories + high.Calories) / (decimal)2;
int bDiff = (high.B.Calories - low.B.Calories) < 0 ? 0 : (high.B.Calories - low.B.Calories);
int lDiff = high.L.Calories - low.L.Calories < 0 ? 0 : (high.L.Calories - low.L.Calories);
int dDiff = high.D.Calories - low.D.Calories < 0 ? 0 : (high.D.Calories - low.D.Calories);
// only flop is one does not go past the average
if (bDiff > 0 && ((low.Calories + bDiff) < avg || (high.Calories - bDiff) > avg))
int hold = low.B.Calories;
low.B.Calories = high.B.Calories;
high.B.Calories = hold;
if (lDiff > 0 && ((low.Calories + lDiff) < avg || (high.Calories - lDiff) > avg))
int hold = low.L.Calories;
low.L.Calories = high.L.Calories;
high.L.Calories = hold;
if (dDiff > 0 && ((low.Calories + dDiff) < avg || (high.Calories - dDiff) > avg))
int hold = low.D.Calories;
low.D.Calories = high.D.Calories;
high.D.Calories = hold;
public enum enumMeal {b, l, d};
public class Day
public Meal B { get; set; }
public Meal L { get; set; }
public Meal D { get; set; }
public Decimal Calories { get { return (Decimal)(B.Calories + L.Calories + D.Calories); } }
public Day (Meal b, Meal l, Meal d )
B = b;
L = l;
D = d;
public class Meal
public enumMeal Type { get; set; }
public int Calories { get; set; }
public Meal (enumMeal meal, int calories)
Type = meal;
Calories = calories;