जैसा कि मैंने चुनौती दी है कि मैंने यह परीक्षण करने का निर्णय लिया है कि कोई व्यक्ति प्लेटफ़ॉर्म-इंडिपेंडेंट (उम्मीद) टेम्पलेट ट्रिक के साथ कितनी दूर जा सकता है।
संकलन के समय नाम पूरी तरह से इकट्ठे होते हैं। (जिसका अर्थ है typeid(T).name()
कि उपयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है, इस प्रकार आपको गैर-यौगिक प्रकारों के लिए स्पष्ट रूप से नाम प्रदान करना होगा। अन्यथा इसके स्थान पर प्लेसहोल्डर प्रदर्शित किए जाएंगे।)
उदाहरण उपयोग:
// You probably should list all primitive types here.
int main()
// A simple case
std::cout << type_name<void(*)(int)> << '\n';
// -> `void (*)(int)`
// Ugly mess case
// Note that compiler removes cv-qualifiers from parameters and replaces arrays with pointers.
std::cout << type_name<void (std::string::*(int[3],const int, void (*)(std::string)))(volatile int*const*)> << '\n';
// -> `void (std::string::*(int *,int,void (*)(std::string)))(volatile int *const*)`
// A case with undefined types
// If a type wasn't TYPE_NAME'd, it's replaced by a placeholder, one of `class?`, `union?`, `enum?` or `??`.
std::cout << type_name<std::ostream (*)(int, short)> << '\n';
// -> `class? (*)(int,??)`
// With appropriate TYPE_NAME's, the output would be `std::string (*)(int,short)`.
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
static constexpr std::size_t max_str_lit_len = 256;
template <std::size_t I, std::size_t N> constexpr char sl_at(const char (&str)[N])
if constexpr(I < N)
return str[I];
return '\0';
constexpr std::size_t sl_len(const char *str)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < max_str_lit_len; i++)
if (str[i] == '\0')
return i;
return 0;
template <char ...C> struct str_lit
static constexpr char value[] {C..., '\0'};
static constexpr int size = sl_len(value);
template <typename F, typename ...P> struct concat_impl {using type = typename concat_impl<F>::type::template concat_impl<P...>::type;};
template <char ...CC> struct concat_impl<str_lit<CC...>> {using type = str_lit<C..., CC...>;};
template <typename ...P> using concat = typename concat_impl<P...>::type;
template <typename, const char *> struct trim_str_lit_impl;
template <std::size_t ...I, const char *S> struct trim_str_lit_impl<std::index_sequence<I...>, S>
using type = str_lit<S[I]...>;
template <std::size_t N, const char *S> using trim_str_lit = typename trim_str_lit_impl<std::make_index_sequence<N>, S>::type;
#define STR_LIT(str) ::trim_str_lit<::sl_len(str), ::str_lit<STR_TO_VA(str)>::value>
#define STR_TO_VA(str) STR_TO_VA_16(str,0),STR_TO_VA_16(str,16),STR_TO_VA_16(str,32),STR_TO_VA_16(str,48)
#define STR_TO_VA_16(str,off) STR_TO_VA_4(str,0+off),STR_TO_VA_4(str,4+off),STR_TO_VA_4(str,8+off),STR_TO_VA_4(str,12+off)
#define STR_TO_VA_4(str,off) ::sl_at<off+0>(str),::sl_at<off+1>(str),::sl_at<off+2>(str),::sl_at<off+3>(str)
template <char ...C> constexpr str_lit<C...> make_str_lit(str_lit<C...>) {return {};}
template <std::size_t N> constexpr auto make_str_lit(const char (&str)[N])
return trim_str_lit<sl_len((const char (&)[N])str), str>{};
template <std::size_t A, std::size_t B> struct cexpr_pow {static constexpr std::size_t value = A * cexpr_pow<A,B-1>::value;};
template <std::size_t A> struct cexpr_pow<A,0> {static constexpr std::size_t value = 1;};
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t X, typename = std::make_index_sequence<X>> struct num_to_str_lit_impl;
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t X, std::size_t ...Seq> struct num_to_str_lit_impl<N, X, std::index_sequence<Seq...>>
static constexpr auto func()
if constexpr (N >= cexpr_pow<10,X>::value)
return num_to_str_lit_impl<N, X+1>::func();
return str_lit<(N / cexpr_pow<10,X-1-Seq>::value % 10 + '0')...>{};
template <std::size_t N> using num_to_str_lit = decltype(num_to_str_lit_impl<N,1>::func());
using spa = str_lit<' '>;
using lpa = str_lit<'('>;
using rpa = str_lit<')'>;
using lbr = str_lit<'['>;
using rbr = str_lit<']'>;
using ast = str_lit<'*'>;
using amp = str_lit<'&'>;
using con = str_lit<'c','o','n','s','t'>;
using vol = str_lit<'v','o','l','a','t','i','l','e'>;
using con_vol = con::concat<spa, vol>;
using nsp = str_lit<':',':'>;
using com = str_lit<','>;
using unk = str_lit<'?','?'>;
using c_cla = str_lit<'c','l','a','s','s','?'>;
using c_uni = str_lit<'u','n','i','o','n','?'>;
using c_enu = str_lit<'e','n','u','m','?'>;
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool ptr_or_ref = std::is_pointer_v<T> || std::is_reference_v<T> || std::is_member_pointer_v<T>;
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool func_or_arr = std::is_function_v<T> || std::is_array_v<T>;
template <typename T> struct primitive_type_name {using value = unk;};
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_class_v<T>>> using enable_if_class = T;
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_union_v<T>>> using enable_if_union = T;
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v <T>>> using enable_if_enum = T;
template <typename T> struct primitive_type_name<enable_if_class<T>> {using value = c_cla;};
template <typename T> struct primitive_type_name<enable_if_union<T>> {using value = c_uni;};
template <typename T> struct primitive_type_name<enable_if_enum <T>> {using value = c_enu;};
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl;
template <typename T> using type_name_lit = std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<typename primitive_type_name<T>::value::template concat<spa>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::r>>,
typename primitive_type_name<T>::value,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::r>>;
template <typename T> inline constexpr const char *type_name = type_name_lit<T>::value;
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const_v<T> && !std::is_volatile_v<T>>> using enable_if_no_cv = T;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl
using l = typename primitive_type_name<T>::value::template concat<spa>;
using r = str_lit<>;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<const T>
using new_T_l = std::conditional_t<type_name_impl<T>::l::size && !ptr_or_ref<T>,
spa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::l>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l>;
using l = std::conditional_t<ptr_or_ref<T>,
typename new_T_l::template concat<con>,
using r = typename type_name_impl<T>::r;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<volatile T>
using new_T_l = std::conditional_t<type_name_impl<T>::l::size && !ptr_or_ref<T>,
spa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::l>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l>;
using l = std::conditional_t<ptr_or_ref<T>,
typename new_T_l::template concat<vol>,
using r = typename type_name_impl<T>::r;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<const volatile T>
using new_T_l = std::conditional_t<type_name_impl<T>::l::size && !ptr_or_ref<T>,
spa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::l>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l>;
using l = std::conditional_t<ptr_or_ref<T>,
typename new_T_l::template concat<con_vol>,
using r = typename type_name_impl<T>::r;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<T *>
using l = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat<lpa, ast>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat< ast>>;
using r = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
rpa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::r>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<T &>
using l = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat<lpa, amp>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat< amp>>;
using r = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
rpa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::r>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<T &&>
using l = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat<lpa, amp, amp>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat< amp, amp>>;
using r = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
rpa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::r>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T, typename C> struct type_name_impl<T C::*>
using l = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat<lpa, type_name_lit<C>, nsp, ast>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::l::template concat< type_name_lit<C>, nsp, ast>>;
using r = std::conditional_t<func_or_arr<T>,
rpa::concat<typename type_name_impl<T>::r>,
typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<enable_if_no_cv<T[]>>
using l = typename type_name_impl<T>::l;
using r = lbr::concat<rbr, typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T, std::size_t N> struct type_name_impl<enable_if_no_cv<T[N]>>
using l = typename type_name_impl<T>::l;
using r = lbr::concat<num_to_str_lit<N>, rbr, typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T> struct type_name_impl<T()>
using l = typename type_name_impl<T>::l;
using r = lpa::concat<rpa, typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
template <typename T, typename P1, typename ...P> struct type_name_impl<T(P1, P...)>
using l = typename type_name_impl<T>::l;
using r = lpa::concat<type_name_lit<P1>,
com::concat<type_name_lit<P>>..., rpa, typename type_name_impl<T>::r>;
#define TYPE_NAME(t) template <> struct primitive_type_name<t> {using value = STR_LIT(#t);};
#define DEMANGLE_TYPEID_NAME(x) abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid((x)).name(), NULL, NULL, NULL)
:। आप पार मंच समर्थन की जरूरत है: का प्रयोग करें#ifdef
MSVC जैसे अन्य प्लेटफार्मों के लिए एक मैक्रो प्रदान करने के लिए।