मेरे दृष्टिकोण से, java.io.PipedInputStream / java.io.PipedOutputStream विचार करने के लिए सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है। कुछ स्थितियों में आप ByteArrayInputStream / ByteArrayOutputStream का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं। समस्या यह है कि आपको बाइट की नकल करने के लिए बाइट डुप्लिकेट करने की आवश्यकता है एक बाइटऑरेप्यूटस्ट्रीम को बाइट के लिए एप्रेटइन्पुटस्ट्रीम में। इसके अलावा ByteArrayOutpuStream / ByteArrayInputStream 2GB तक सीमित हैं। यहाँ एक OutpuStream / InputStream कार्यान्वयन है, जिसे मैंने ByteArrayOutputStream / ByteArrayInputStream की सीमाओं (Scala कोड, लेकिन जावा डेवलपरों के लिए आसानी से समझा जा सकता है) को बायपास करने के लिए लिखा था:
import java.io.{IOException, InputStream, OutputStream}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** Acts as a replacement for ByteArrayOutputStream
class HugeMemoryOutputStream(capacity: Long) extends OutputStream {
private val PAGE_SIZE: Int = 1024000
private val ALLOC_STEP: Int = 1024
/** Pages array
private var streamBuffers: Array[Array[Byte]] = Array.empty[Array[Byte]]
/** Allocated pages count
private var pageCount: Int = 0
/** Allocated bytes count
private var allocatedBytes: Long = 0
/** Current position in stream
private var position: Long = 0
/** Stream length
private var length: Long = 0
/** Gets page count based on given length
* @param length Buffer length
* @return Page count to hold the specified amount of data
private def getPageCount(length: Long) = {
var pageCount = (length / PAGE_SIZE).toInt + 1
if ((length % PAGE_SIZE) == 0) {
pageCount -= 1
/** Extends pages array
private def extendPages(): Unit = {
if (streamBuffers.isEmpty) {
streamBuffers = new Array[Array[Byte]](ALLOC_STEP)
else {
val newStreamBuffers = new Array[Array[Byte]](streamBuffers.length + ALLOC_STEP)
Array.copy(streamBuffers, 0, newStreamBuffers, 0, streamBuffers.length)
streamBuffers = newStreamBuffers
pageCount = streamBuffers.length
/** Ensures buffers are bug enough to hold specified amount of data
* @param value Amount of data
private def allocSpaceIfNeeded(value: Long): Unit = {
def allocSpaceIfNeededIter(value: Long): Unit = {
val currentPageCount = getPageCount(allocatedBytes)
val neededPageCount = getPageCount(value)
if (currentPageCount < neededPageCount) {
if (currentPageCount == pageCount) extendPages()
streamBuffers(currentPageCount) = new Array[Byte](PAGE_SIZE)
allocatedBytes = (currentPageCount + 1).toLong * PAGE_SIZE
if (value < 0) throw new Error("AllocSpaceIfNeeded < 0")
if (value > 0) {
length = Math.max(value, length)
if (position > length) position = length
* Writes the specified byte to this output stream. The general
* contract for <code>write</code> is that one byte is written
* to the output stream. The byte to be written is the eight
* low-order bits of the argument <code>b</code>. The 24
* high-order bits of <code>b</code> are ignored.
* <p>
* Subclasses of <code>OutputStream</code> must provide an
* implementation for this method.
* @param b the <code>byte</code>.
override def write(b: Int): Unit = {
val buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](1)
buffer(0) = b.toByte
* Writes <code>len</code> bytes from the specified byte array
* starting at offset <code>off</code> to this output stream.
* The general contract for <code>write(b, off, len)</code> is that
* some of the bytes in the array <code>b</code> are written to the
* output stream in order; element <code>b[off]</code> is the first
* byte written and <code>b[off+len-1]</code> is the last byte written
* by this operation.
* <p>
* The <code>write</code> method of <code>OutputStream</code> calls
* the write method of one argument on each of the bytes to be
* written out. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method and
* provide a more efficient implementation.
* <p>
* If <code>b</code> is <code>null</code>, a
* <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.
* <p>
* If <code>off</code> is negative, or <code>len</code> is negative, or
* <code>off+len</code> is greater than the length of the array
* <code>b</code>, then an <tt>IndexOutOfBoundsException</tt> is thrown.
* @param b the data.
* @param off the start offset in the data.
* @param len the number of bytes to write.
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
def writeIter(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
val currentPage: Int = (position / PAGE_SIZE).toInt
val currentOffset: Int = (position % PAGE_SIZE).toInt
if (len != 0) {
val currentLength: Int = Math.min(PAGE_SIZE - currentOffset, len)
Array.copy(b, off, streamBuffers(currentPage), currentOffset, currentLength)
position += currentLength
writeIter(b, off + currentLength, len - currentLength)
allocSpaceIfNeeded(position + len)
writeIter(b, off, len)
/** Gets an InputStream that points to HugeMemoryOutputStream buffer
* @return InputStream
def asInputStream(): InputStream = {
new HugeMemoryInputStream(streamBuffers, length)
private class HugeMemoryInputStream(streamBuffers: Array[Array[Byte]], val length: Long) extends InputStream {
/** Current position in stream
private var position: Long = 0
* Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is
* returned as an <code>int</code> in the range <code>0</code> to
* <code>255</code>. If no byte is available because the end of the stream
* has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned. This method
* blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected,
* or an exception is thrown.
* <p> A subclass must provide an implementation of this method.
* @return the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
* stream is reached.
def read: Int = {
val buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](1)
if (read(buffer) == 0) throw new Error("End of stream")
else buffer(0)
* Reads up to <code>len</code> bytes of data from the input stream into
* an array of bytes. An attempt is made to read as many as
* <code>len</code> bytes, but a smaller number may be read.
* The number of bytes actually read is returned as an integer.
* <p> This method blocks until input data is available, end of file is
* detected, or an exception is thrown.
* <p> If <code>len</code> is zero, then no bytes are read and
* <code>0</code> is returned; otherwise, there is an attempt to read at
* least one byte. If no byte is available because the stream is at end of
* file, the value <code>-1</code> is returned; otherwise, at least one
* byte is read and stored into <code>b</code>.
* <p> The first byte read is stored into element <code>b[off]</code>, the
* next one into <code>b[off+1]</code>, and so on. The number of bytes read
* is, at most, equal to <code>len</code>. Let <i>k</i> be the number of
* bytes actually read; these bytes will be stored in elements
* <code>b[off]</code> through <code>b[off+</code><i>k</i><code>-1]</code>,
* leaving elements <code>b[off+</code><i>k</i><code>]</code> through
* <code>b[off+len-1]</code> unaffected.
* <p> In every case, elements <code>b[0]</code> through
* <code>b[off]</code> and elements <code>b[off+len]</code> through
* <code>b[b.length-1]</code> are unaffected.
* <p> The <code>read(b,</code> <code>off,</code> <code>len)</code> method
* for class <code>InputStream</code> simply calls the method
* <code>read()</code> repeatedly. If the first such call results in an
* <code>IOException</code>, that exception is returned from the call to
* the <code>read(b,</code> <code>off,</code> <code>len)</code> method. If
* any subsequent call to <code>read()</code> results in a
* <code>IOException</code>, the exception is caught and treated as if it
* were end of file; the bytes read up to that point are stored into
* <code>b</code> and the number of bytes read before the exception
* occurred is returned. The default implementation of this method blocks
* until the requested amount of input data <code>len</code> has been read,
* end of file is detected, or an exception is thrown. Subclasses are encouraged
* to provide a more efficient implementation of this method.
* @param b the buffer into which the data is read.
* @param off the start offset in array <code>b</code>
* at which the data is written.
* @param len the maximum number of bytes to read.
* @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
* <code>-1</code> if there is no more data because the end of
* the stream has been reached.
* @see java.io.InputStream#read()
override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int = {
def readIter(acc: Int, b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int = {
val currentPage: Int = (position / PAGE_SIZE).toInt
val currentOffset: Int = (position % PAGE_SIZE).toInt
val count: Int = Math.min(len, length - position).toInt
if (count == 0 || position >= length) acc
else {
val currentLength = Math.min(PAGE_SIZE - currentOffset, count)
Array.copy(streamBuffers(currentPage), currentOffset, b, off, currentLength)
position += currentLength
readIter(acc + currentLength, b, off + currentLength, len - currentLength)
readIter(0, b, off, len)
* Skips over and discards <code>n</code> bytes of data from this input
* stream. The <code>skip</code> method may, for a variety of reasons, end
* up skipping over some smaller number of bytes, possibly <code>0</code>.
* This may result from any of a number of conditions; reaching end of file
* before <code>n</code> bytes have been skipped is only one possibility.
* The actual number of bytes skipped is returned. If <code>n</code> is
* negative, the <code>skip</code> method for class <code>InputStream</code> always
* returns 0, and no bytes are skipped. Subclasses may handle the negative
* value differently.
* The <code>skip</code> method of this class creates a
* byte array and then repeatedly reads into it until <code>n</code> bytes
* have been read or the end of the stream has been reached. Subclasses are
* encouraged to provide a more efficient implementation of this method.
* For instance, the implementation may depend on the ability to seek.
* @param n the number of bytes to be skipped.
* @return the actual number of bytes skipped.
override def skip(n: Long): Long = {
if (n < 0) 0
else {
position = Math.min(position + n, length)
length - position
उपयोग करने में आसान, कोई बफर दोहराव नहीं, कोई 2GB मेमोरी सीमा नहीं
val out: HugeMemoryOutputStream = new HugeMemoryOutputStream(initialCapacity /*may be 0*/)
val in1: InputStream = out.asInputStream()
val in2: InputStream = out.asInputStream()