मैंने अपना खुद का रोल किया क्योंकि मेरे पास किसी को चीजों को करने का तरीका सीखने का समय नहीं है, इसे लिखने के लिए लगभग 20 मिनट लगे, यहां पोस्ट करने के लिए इसे अनुकूलित करने के लिए 10।
Unittesting मेरे लिए बहुत उपयोगी है।
यह थोड़े लंबा है, लेकिन यह खुद को समझाता है और तल पर एक उदाहरण है।
* Provides Assertions
class Assert
public static function AreEqual( $a, $b )
if ( $a != $b )
throw new Exception( 'Subjects are not equal.' );
* Provides a loggable entity with information on a test and how it executed
class TestResult
protected $_testableInstance = null;
protected $_isSuccess = false;
public function getSuccess()
return $this->_isSuccess;
protected $_output = '';
public function getOutput()
return $_output;
public function setOutput( $value )
$_output = $value;
protected $_test = null;
public function getTest()
return $this->_test;
public function getName()
return $this->_test->getName();
public function getComment()
return $this->ParseComment( $this->_test->getDocComment() );
private function ParseComment( $comment )
$lines = explode( "\n", $comment );
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $lines ); $i ++ )
$lines[$i] = trim( $lines[ $i ] );
return implode( "\n", $lines );
protected $_exception = null;
public function getException()
return $this->_exception;
static public function CreateFailure( Testable $object, ReflectionMethod $test, Exception $exception )
$result = new self();
$result->_isSuccess = false;
$result->testableInstance = $object;
$result->_test = $test;
$result->_exception = $exception;
return $result;
static public function CreateSuccess( Testable $object, ReflectionMethod $test )
$result = new self();
$result->_isSuccess = true;
$result->testableInstance = $object;
$result->_test = $test;
return $result;
* Provides a base class to derive tests from
abstract class Testable
protected $test_log = array();
* Logs the result of a test. keeps track of results for later inspection, Overridable to log elsewhere.
protected function Log( TestResult $result )
$this->test_log[] = $result;
printf( "Test: %s was a %s %s\n"
,$result->getSuccess() ? 'success' : 'failure'
,$result->getSuccess() ? '' : sprintf( "\n%s (lines:%d-%d; file:%s)"
final public function RunTests()
$class = new ReflectionClass( $this );
foreach( $class->GetMethods() as $method )
$methodname = $method->getName();
if ( strlen( $methodname ) > 4 && substr( $methodname, 0, 4 ) == 'Test' )
$result = TestResult::CreateSuccess( $this, $method );
catch( Exception $ex )
$result = TestResult::CreateFailure( $this, $method, $ex );
$output = ob_get_clean();
$result->setOutput( $output );
$this->Log( $result );
* a simple Test suite with two tests
class MyTest extends Testable
* This test is designed to fail
public function TestOne()
Assert::AreEqual( 1, 2 );
* This test is designed to succeed
public function TestTwo()
Assert::AreEqual( 1, 1 );
// this is how to use it.
$test = new MyTest();
यह आउटपुट:
टेस्ट: टेस्टऑन फेल था
/ **
* इस परीक्षण को विफल करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है
** / (लाइनें: 149-152; फ़ाइल: /U//ris/Desktop/Testable.php)
टेस्ट: TestTwo एक सफलता थी