किसी ने अभी तक मोडुलो दृष्टिकोण की पेशकश नहीं की है, इसलिए यहां एक है:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ztackoverflow"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ackoverflowst"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "overflowstack"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "stackoverflwo"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "tackoverflwos"));
public static bool IsRotation(string a, string b)
Console.WriteLine("\nA: {0} B: {1}", a, b);
if (b.Length != a.Length)
return false;
int ndx = a.IndexOf(b[0]);
bool isRotation = true;
Console.WriteLine("Ndx: {0}", ndx);
if (ndx == -1) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; ++i)
int rotatedNdx = (i + ndx) % b.Length;
char rotatedA = a[rotatedNdx];
Console.WriteLine( "B: {0} A[{1}]: {2}", b[i], rotatedNdx, rotatedA );
if (b[i] != rotatedA)
isRotation = false;
// break; uncomment this when you remove the Console.WriteLine
return isRotation;
A: stackoverflow B: ztackoverflow
Ndx: -1
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: ackoverflowst
Ndx: 2
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: overflowstack
Ndx: 5
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: stackoverflwo
Ndx: 0
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
B: o A[12]: w
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: tackoverflwos
Ndx: 1
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
B: o A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
Rotation : False
[EDIT: 2010-04-12]
पायोत्र ने मेरे कोड में दोष देखा। यह तब त्रुटि करता है जब स्ट्रिंग में पहला वर्ण दो या दो बार होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, के stackoverflow
खिलाफ परीक्षण किया गयाowstackoverflow
जिसके परिणामस्वरूप गलत था, जब यह सच होना चाहिए।
त्रुटि को स्पॉट करने के लिए धन्यवाद piotr।
अब, यहाँ सही कोड है:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TestRotate
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ztackoverflow"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ackoverflowst"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "overflowstack"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "stackoverflwo"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "tackoverflwos"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "owstackoverfl"));
public static bool IsRotation(string a, string b)
Console.WriteLine("\nA: {0} B: {1}", a, b);
if (b.Length != a.Length)
return false;
if (a.IndexOf(b[0]) == -1 )
return false;
foreach (int ndx in IndexList(a, b[0]))
bool isRotation = true;
Console.WriteLine("Ndx: {0}", ndx);
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; ++i)
int rotatedNdx = (i + ndx) % b.Length;
char rotatedA = a[rotatedNdx];
Console.WriteLine("B: {0} A[{1}]: {2}", b[i], rotatedNdx, rotatedA);
if (b[i] != rotatedA)
isRotation = false;
if (isRotation)
return true;
return false;
public static IEnumerable<int> IndexList(string src, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i)
if (src[i] == c)
yield return i;
}//class Program
}//namespace TestRotate
यहाँ उत्पादन है:
A: stackoverflow B: ztackoverflow
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: ackoverflowst
Ndx: 2
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: overflowstack
Ndx: 5
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: stackoverflwo
Ndx: 0
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: tackoverflwos
Ndx: 1
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: owstackoverfl
Ndx: 5
B: o A[5]: o
B: w A[6]: v
Ndx: 11
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
Rotation : True
यहाँ लंबोदर दृष्टिकोण है:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace IsRotation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ztackoverflow"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ackoverflowst"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "overflowstack"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "stackoverflwo"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "owstackoverfl"));
string strToTestFrom = "stackoverflow";
foreach(string s in StringRotations(strToTestFrom))
Console.WriteLine("is {0} rotation of {1} ? {2}",
s, strToTestFrom,
IsRotation(strToTestFrom, s) );
public static IEnumerable<string> StringRotations(string src)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < src.Length; ++x)
sb.Append(src[(i + x) % src.Length]);
yield return sb.ToString();
public static bool IsRotation(string a, string b)
if (b.Length != a.Length || a.IndexOf(b[0]) < 0 ) return false;
foreach(int ndx in IndexList(a, b[0]))
int i = ndx;
if (b.ToCharArray().All(x => x == a[i++ % a.Length]))
return true;
return false;
public static IEnumerable<int> IndexList(string src, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i)
if (src[i] == c)
yield return i;
}//class Program
}//namespace IsRotation
यहाँ लंबोदर एप्रोच आउटपुट है:
Rotation : False
Rotation : True
Rotation : True
Rotation : False
Rotation : True
is stackoverflow rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is tackoverflows rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is ackoverflowst rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is ckoverflowsta rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is koverflowstac rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is overflowstack rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is verflowstacko rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is erflowstackov rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is rflowstackove rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is flowstackover rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is lowstackoverf rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is owstackoverfl rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is wstackoverflo rotation of stackoverflow ? True