एक आयामी संख्यात्मक अनुक्रम या मैट्रिक्स के लिए प्रतिशत की गणना करने का एक सुविधाजनक तरीका numpy.percentile < https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.percentile.html > का उपयोग करके है । उदाहरण:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
p50 = np.percentile(a, 50) # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(a, 90) # return 90th percentile.
print('median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90) # median = 5.0 and p90 = 9.0
हालांकि, यदि आपके डेटा में कोई NaN मान है, तो उपरोक्त फ़ंक्शन उपयोगी नहीं होगा। उस मामले में उपयोग करने के लिए अनुशंसित फ़ंक्शन numpy.nanpercentile < https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.nanpercentile.html > फ़ंक्शन है:
import numpy as np
a_NaN = np.array([0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.])
a_NaN[0] = np.nan
p50 = np.nanpercentile(a_NaN, 50) # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.nanpercentile(a_NaN, 90) # return 90th percentile.
print('median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90) # median = 5.5 and p90 = 9.1
ऊपर प्रस्तुत दो विकल्पों में, आप अभी भी प्रक्षेप मोड का चयन कर सकते हैं। आसान समझ के लिए नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों का पालन करें।
import numpy as np
b = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
print('percentiles using default interpolation')
p10 = np.percentile(b, 10) # return 10th percentile.
p50 = np.percentile(b, 50) # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(b, 90) # return 90th percentile.
print('p10 = ',p10,', median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90)
#p10 = 1.9 , median = 5.5 and p90 = 9.1
print('percentiles using interpolation = ', "linear")
p10 = np.percentile(b, 10,interpolation='linear') # return 10th percentile.
p50 = np.percentile(b, 50,interpolation='linear') # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(b, 90,interpolation='linear') # return 90th percentile.
print('p10 = ',p10,', median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90)
#p10 = 1.9 , median = 5.5 and p90 = 9.1
print('percentiles using interpolation = ', "lower")
p10 = np.percentile(b, 10,interpolation='lower') # return 10th percentile.
p50 = np.percentile(b, 50,interpolation='lower') # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(b, 90,interpolation='lower') # return 90th percentile.
print('p10 = ',p10,', median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90)
#p10 = 1 , median = 5 and p90 = 9
print('percentiles using interpolation = ', "higher")
p10 = np.percentile(b, 10,interpolation='higher') # return 10th percentile.
p50 = np.percentile(b, 50,interpolation='higher') # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(b, 90,interpolation='higher') # return 90th percentile.
print('p10 = ',p10,', median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90)
#p10 = 2 , median = 6 and p90 = 10
print('percentiles using interpolation = ', "midpoint")
p10 = np.percentile(b, 10,interpolation='midpoint') # return 10th percentile.
p50 = np.percentile(b, 50,interpolation='midpoint') # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(b, 90,interpolation='midpoint') # return 90th percentile.
print('p10 = ',p10,', median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90)
#p10 = 1.5 , median = 5.5 and p90 = 9.5
print('percentiles using interpolation = ', "nearest")
p10 = np.percentile(b, 10,interpolation='nearest') # return 10th percentile.
p50 = np.percentile(b, 50,interpolation='nearest') # return 50th percentile, e.g median.
p90 = np.percentile(b, 90,interpolation='nearest') # return 90th percentile.
print('p10 = ',p10,', median = ',p50,' and p90 = ',p90)
#p10 = 2 , median = 5 and p90 = 9
यदि आपके इनपुट सरणी में केवल पूर्णांक मान शामिल हैं, तो आप पूर्णांक उत्तर में पूर्णांक के रूप में रुचि ले सकते हैं। यदि हां, तो इंटरपोलेशन मोड जैसे 'लोअर', 'हायर', या 'निकटतम' चुनें।