जैसा कि इस सवाल ने बहुत अधिक ध्यान आकर्षित किया और आपके कार्य को पूरा करने के कई तरीके हैं, मुझे कई विकल्प प्रस्तुत करने चाहिए।
वैसे वे सभी एक-लाइनर हैं;)
के साथ शुरू:
cluster load_date budget actual fixed_price
0 A 1/1/2014 1000 4000 Y
1 A 2/1/2014 12000 10000 Y
2 A 3/1/2014 36000 2000 Y
3 B 4/1/2014 15000 10000 N
4 B 4/1/2014 12000 11500 N
5 B 4/1/2014 90000 11000 N
6 C 7/1/2014 22000 18000 N
7 C 8/1/2014 30000 28960 N
8 C 9/1/2014 53000 51200 N
संभावित संचालन का अवलोकन:
ser_aggCol (collapse each column to a list)
cluster [A, A, A, B, B, B, C, C, C]
load_date [1/1/2014, 2/1/2014, 3/1/2...
budget [1000, 12000, 36000, 15000...
actual [4000, 10000, 2000, 10000,...
fixed_price [Y, Y, Y, N, N, N, N, N, N]
dtype: object
ser_aggRows (collapse each row to a list)
0 [A, 1/1/2014, 1000, 4000, Y]
1 [A, 2/1/2014, 12000, 10000...
2 [A, 3/1/2014, 36000, 2000, Y]
3 [B, 4/1/2014, 15000, 10000...
4 [B, 4/1/2014, 12000, 11500...
5 [B, 4/1/2014, 90000, 11000...
6 [C, 7/1/2014, 22000, 18000...
7 [C, 8/1/2014, 30000, 28960...
8 [C, 9/1/2014, 53000, 51200...
dtype: object
df_gr (here you get lists for each cluster)
load_date budget actual fixed_price
A [1/1/2014, 2/1/2014, 3/1/2... [1000, 12000, 36000] [4000, 10000, 2000] [Y, Y, Y]
B [4/1/2014, 4/1/2014, 4/1/2... [15000, 12000, 90000] [10000, 11500, 11000] [N, N, N]
C [7/1/2014, 8/1/2014, 9/1/2... [22000, 30000, 53000] [18000, 28960, 51200] [N, N, N]
a list of separate dataframes for each cluster
df for cluster A
cluster load_date budget actual fixed_price
0 A 1/1/2014 1000 4000 Y
1 A 2/1/2014 12000 10000 Y
2 A 3/1/2014 36000 2000 Y
df for cluster B
cluster load_date budget actual fixed_price
3 B 4/1/2014 15000 10000 N
4 B 4/1/2014 12000 11500 N
5 B 4/1/2014 90000 11000 N
df for cluster C
cluster load_date budget actual fixed_price
6 C 7/1/2014 22000 18000 N
7 C 8/1/2014 30000 28960 N
8 C 9/1/2014 53000 51200 N
just the values of column load_date
0 1/1/2014
1 2/1/2014
2 3/1/2014
3 4/1/2014
4 4/1/2014
5 4/1/2014
6 7/1/2014
7 8/1/2014
8 9/1/2014
Name: load_date, dtype: object
just the values of column number 2
0 1000
1 12000
2 36000
3 15000
4 12000
5 90000
6 22000
7 30000
8 53000
Name: budget, dtype: object
just the values of row number 7
cluster C
load_date 8/1/2014
budget 30000
actual 28960
fixed_price N
Name: 7, dtype: object
============================== JUST FOR COMPLETENESS ==============================
you can convert a series to a list
['C', '8/1/2014', '30000', '28960', 'N']
<class 'list'>
you can convert a dataframe to a nested list
[['A', '1/1/2014', '1000', '4000', 'Y'], ['A', '2/1/2014', '12000', '10000', 'Y'], ['A', '3/1/2014', '36000', '2000', 'Y'], ['B', '4/1/2014', '15000', '10000', 'N'], ['B', '4/1/2014', '12000', '11500', 'N'], ['B', '4/1/2014', '90000', '11000', 'N'], ['C', '7/1/2014', '22000', '18000', 'N'], ['C', '8/1/2014', '30000', '28960', 'N'], ['C', '9/1/2014', '53000', '51200', 'N']]
<class 'list'>
the content of a dataframe can be accessed as a numpy.ndarray
[['A' '1/1/2014' '1000' '4000' 'Y']
['A' '2/1/2014' '12000' '10000' 'Y']
['A' '3/1/2014' '36000' '2000' 'Y']
['B' '4/1/2014' '15000' '10000' 'N']
['B' '4/1/2014' '12000' '11500' 'N']
['B' '4/1/2014' '90000' '11000' 'N']
['C' '7/1/2014' '22000' '18000' 'N']
['C' '8/1/2014' '30000' '28960' 'N']
['C' '9/1/2014' '53000' '51200' 'N']]
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
# prefix ser refers to pd.Series object
# prefix df refers to pd.DataFrame object
# prefix lst refers to list object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
['A', '1/1/2014', '1000', '4000', 'Y'],
['A', '2/1/2014', '12000', '10000', 'Y'],
['A', '3/1/2014', '36000', '2000', 'Y'],
['B', '4/1/2014', '15000', '10000', 'N'],
['B', '4/1/2014', '12000', '11500', 'N'],
['B', '4/1/2014', '90000', '11000', 'N'],
['C', '7/1/2014', '22000', '18000', 'N'],
['C', '8/1/2014', '30000', '28960', 'N'],
['C', '9/1/2014', '53000', '51200', 'N']
], columns=['cluster', 'load_date', 'budget', 'actual', 'fixed_price'])
print('df',df, sep='\n', end='\n\n')
ser_aggCol=df.aggregate(lambda x: [x.tolist()], axis=0).map(lambda x:x[0])
print('ser_aggCol (collapse each column to a list)',ser_aggCol, sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
print('ser_aggRows (collapse each row to a list)',ser_aggRows, sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
df_gr=df.groupby('cluster').agg(lambda x: list(x))
print('df_gr (here you get lists for each cluster)',df_gr, sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
lst_dfFiltGr=[ df.loc[df['cluster']==val,:] for val in df['cluster'].unique() ]
print('a list of separate dataframes for each cluster', sep='\n', end='\n\n')
for dfTmp in lst_dfFiltGr:
print('df for cluster '+str(dfTmp.loc[dfTmp.index[0],'cluster']),dfTmp, sep='\n', end='\n\n')
print('just the values of column load_date',ser_singleColLD, sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
print('just the values of column number 2',ser_singleCol2, sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
print('just the values of row number 7',ser_singleRow7, sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
print('='*30+' JUST FOR COMPLETENESS '+'='*30, end='\n\n\n')
print('you can convert a series to a list',lst_fromSer, type(lst_fromSer), sep='\n', end='\n\n\n')
print('you can convert a dataframe to a nested list',lst_fromDf, type(lst_fromDf), sep='\n', end='\n\n')
print('the content of a dataframe can be accessed as a numpy.ndarray',arr_fromDf, type(arr_fromDf), sep='\n', end='\n\n')
के रूप में द्वारा उठाई बाहर cs95 अन्य विधियों का प्राथमिकता दी जानी चाहिए पांडा .values
पांडा संस्करण 0.24 से पर विशेषता यहाँ देख । मैं इसका उपयोग यहां करता हूं, क्योंकि ज्यादातर लोग (2019 तक) अभी भी एक पुराना संस्करण है, जो नई सिफारिशों का समर्थन नहीं करता है। आप अपने संस्करण की जाँच कर सकते हैंprint(pd.__version__)
अजगर सूची में बदलने के लिए कह सकते हैं