धन्यवाद @ व्हीबर का जवाब। यह एक महान समाधान है, लेकिन बड़े बिंदु बादल के लिए धीमा है। मैंने पाया convhulln
कि आर पैकेज में फ़ंक्शन geometry
बहुत तेज़ है (200000 अंकों के लिए 138 एस बनाम 0.03 एस)। मैंने किसी के लिए अपने कोड यहां पेस्ट किए हैं जो एक तेज़ समाधान के लिए दिलचस्प है।
library(alphahull) # Exposes ashape()
MBR <- function(points) {
# Analyze the convex hull edges
a <- ashape(points, alpha=1000) # One way to get a convex hull...
e <- a$edges[, 5:6] - a$edges[, 3:4] # Edge directions
norms <- apply(e, 1, function(x) sqrt(x %*% x)) # Edge lengths
v <- diag(1/norms) %*% e # Unit edge directions
w <- cbind(-v[,2], v[,1]) # Normal directions to the edges
# Find the MBR
vertices <- (points) [a$alpha.extremes, 1:2] # Convex hull vertices
minmax <- function(x) c(min(x), max(x)) # Computes min and max
x <- apply(vertices %*% t(v), 2, minmax) # Extremes along edges
y <- apply(vertices %*% t(w), 2, minmax) # Extremes normal to edges
areas <- (y[1,]-y[2,])*(x[1,]-x[2,]) # Areas
k <- which.min(areas) # Index of the best edge (smallest area)
# Form a rectangle from the extremes of the best edge
cbind(x[c(1,2,2,1,1),k], y[c(1,1,2,2,1),k]) %*% rbind(v[k,], w[k,])
MBR2 <- function(points) {
a2 <- geometry::convhulln(points, options = 'FA')
e <- points[a2$hull[,2],] - points[a2$hull[,1],] # Edge directions
norms <- apply(e, 1, function(x) sqrt(x %*% x)) # Edge lengths
v <- diag(1/norms) %*% as.matrix(e) # Unit edge directions
w <- cbind(-v[,2], v[,1]) # Normal directions to the edges
# Find the MBR
vertices <- as.matrix((points) [a2$hull, 1:2]) # Convex hull vertices
minmax <- function(x) c(min(x), max(x)) # Computes min and max
x <- apply(vertices %*% t(v), 2, minmax) # Extremes along edges
y <- apply(vertices %*% t(w), 2, minmax) # Extremes normal to edges
areas <- (y[1,]-y[2,])*(x[1,]-x[2,]) # Areas
k <- which.min(areas) # Index of the best edge (smallest area)
# Form a rectangle from the extremes of the best edge
as.data.frame(cbind(x[c(1,2,2,1,1),k], y[c(1,1,2,2,1),k]) %*% rbind(v[k,], w[k,]))
}, error = function(e) {
assign('points', points, .GlobalEnv)
# Create sample data
points <- matrix(rnorm(200000*2), ncol=2) # Random (normally distributed) points
system.time(mbr <- MBR(points))
system.time(mmbr2 <- MBR2(points))
# Plot the hull, the MBR, and the points
limits <- apply(mbr, 2, function(x) c(min(x),max(x))) # Plotting limits
plot(ashape(points, alpha=1000), col="Gray", pch=20,
xlim=limits[,1], ylim=limits[,2]) # The hull
lines(mbr, col="Blue", lwd=10) # The MBR
lines(mbr2, col="red", lwd=3) # The MBR2
points(points, pch=19)
दो तरीकों से एक ही उत्तर मिलता है (उदाहरण के लिए 2000 अंक):