आपके प्रश्न के भाग को संबोधित करने के लिए जो अधिक भौतिकी से संबंधित है:
हवा के तापमान को ठंडा करने से वेंट कैसे ठंडा हो जाता है?
वेंट गर्मी का एक बेहतर कंडक्टर है।
आप इसे उसी तरह से सोच सकते हैं जैसे कि फ्रीजर से आइस क्यूब को कैसे पकड़ना "महसूस करता है" ठंडी हवा में अपना हाथ डालने से ज्यादा ठंडी महसूस होती है। वे दोनों कम से कम एक ही अस्थायी हैं, शायद हवा ठंडी होने के साथ।
इस पृष्ठ ने मेरे लिए इसे अच्छी तरह से समझाया।
If the air and the water are the same temperature, what accounts for the difference
that we perceive? It's a matter of heat transfer, the transition of thermal energy
from a hotter object to a cooler object.
As long as the temperature of your body is higher than the temperature of the
surrounding medium (air or water, for example), your body will give off heat. As soon
as the surrounding temperature becomes higher than that of your body, though, you'll
start to absorb heat.
The amount of heat that moves between your body and the surrounding medium and the
speed at which it moves, both of which are important to the sensation or warmth or
cold that we feel, depends on how good a conductor the medium is. The reason the water
feels colder than air is because water is the better conductor of the two. When you
hop into that 60-degree pool, heat escapes your body much more easily than it would
if you were standing beside the pool in 60-degree air. Because the water takes
more heat from your body, and quicker, it feels colder.